Message from the Director

Prof. Bosco Bua – Acting Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training - Kyambogo University
Prof. Bosco Bua – Acting Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training – Kyambogo University

It is with utmost pleasure that I welcome you to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training web page. The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training has been on a journey which started with the former Kyambogo University Graduate School which was established and operationalized way back in 2007. The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training became operational in January 2022 following the recommendations of the Restructuring which was undertaken in the university during the period 2018-2020. The Kyambogo University Restructuring report recommended the expansion of the mandates and portfolios of the Kyambogo University Graduate School to include among other things the development and implementation of policies and programmes supporting research and knowledge generation, promoting sustainable development through community-based research programmes, supporting research mission with programming, methodological support, funding opportunities and information dissemination, supporting the development and conduct of research to be shared at conferences and scholarly publications, collaborating with the university librarian to digitize the research outputs and mobilizing resources to support research. Coordinate the issues of research and signing of MOUs regarding research engagements, organize workshops to build capacity and support academics to carry out research.   

From a handful of graduate academic programmes, the Directorate now boast of 54 approved graduate programmes comprising 6 Postgraduate Diplomas, 40 Masters and 8 PhDs of which 6 are by Research only and 2 by Coursework and Dissertation, respectively (Table 1). The Directorate is a secretariat to two Senate Committee namely Graduate Board and Research Grants and Publications Committee, respectively. Graduate Board is responsible for coordinating issues related to graduate training including admissions, registrations, approving new and reviewed academic programmes, appointing of supervisors and examiners, receiving and dispatching dissertations/theses for examinations, coordinating the conduct of VIVA VOCE examinations including pubic defense for PhD theses/dissertations as well as approving theory examinations among others. On the other hand, Research Grants and Publications Committee coordinates the implementation of research-related activities including approval of requests from Staff seeking funds to 1) conduct research for Masters and PhD dissertations/Theses, 2) attend conferences and workshops, 3) publish their research findings and facilitate public lectures among other.

Broadly, the Directorate is charged with the responsibility of providing leadership in the review, development of programmes, policies, procedures and provision of graduate studies, 2) providing oversight in the implementation, management and administration of relevant procedures and regulations for graduate students, 3) enforcing and regularly monitor the adherence of graduate studies regulations, and 4) planning and facilitating the graduate programme with the necessary resources to ensure smooth implementation of research and graduate training. The Directorate has also been responsible for coordinating the development and reviewing of the graduate academic programmes. The Directorate is also responsible for receiving and orientating the new graduate students. Besides, the school has also been serving as the secretariat of two senate committees namely the Research Grants and Publications Committee and the Graduate Board. 

Currently, the Directorate has a number of documentations which are very instrumental in assuring the quality of research and graduate training in university including 1) Research Agenda, 2) Reviewed Research and Innovation Policy 2021, 3) Intellectual Property Policy, 4) approved academic programmes and 5) Guidelines to Kyambogo University Graduate School 2019. Therefore, to eliminate walking to the Directorate and save your precious time, a number of useful forms are uploaded to the website as downloads including the following

  • Research Progress Report
  • Notice of submissions
  • Appointment of Examiners ands Panel Examiners (VIVA VOCE)
  • Guide for evaluation of Research Dissertation
  • Viva Voce oral defense marking guide
  • Certificate of corrections of Dissertations/Theses
  • Plagiarism clearance certificate
  • An introductory letter for students to proceed with data collection

Please we invite you to visit the web page to familiarize yourself with what we do as we strive to reposition the university into research-led institutions of international repute. We shall also be delighted to provide you with other information you ate not able to find on the web page.

We can be contacted through any of the under listed staff on phones or email: during office hours

  1. Bosco Bua, Acting Director
  2. Prof. Justus Kwetegyeka, Acting Deputy Director
  3. Jude Kasasa, Deputy Academic Registrar
  4. Jacent Kamugisha, Senior Assistant Registrar
  5. Babra Namibirige, Assistant Registrar
  6. Gloria Kembabazi, Administrative Assistant
  7. Rukia Nabunje, Secretary
  8. Phoebe Nandago, Data Entrant
  9. Alex Kibampawo, Record Assistant
  10. Jane Kebingi, Office Attendant
  11. Maddy Nabaka, Office Attendant

Knowledge and skills for Service

For God and My Country  

By Prof. Bosco Bua – Acting Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training.