Title: Rheological characteristics of wheat-cassava composite flour and quality of the composite bread
Supervisors: Prof. Patrick Ogwok & Assoc. Prof. G.W.B. Bazirake
Opponent: Prof. Archileo N. Kaaya (Mak)
Venue: Central Lecture Block, Room 101
Date: 18th February 2022 Time: 9:00 Am
Join Us Online Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 936 9077 3443 Passcode: Kyu2022
Title: Elements of Institutional Framework for Management of E-Learning Adoption in Midwifery Schools in Uganda
Candidate’s name: Bigirwa June Patrick Research topic: Elements of Institutional Framework for Management of E-Learning Adoption in Midwifery Schools in Uganda Proposed viva-voce date: 11th May 2021 Venue: CTF 105; Time: 9:00 am.